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Conscious Consecration – 2

First is turning a prayer to consecration.  Karmayogi says very few know how to pray.  We submit, all our wants and desires with all plans to do that to Mother.  Then they live in a memory or experience – What will happen, what will not happen, what should Mother do etc.  We always be in conflict and compromise and reconcile it in Mother and say it is consecration.  Karmayogi says if we can formulate a prayer in a few words, you are half won.  If you can go to its essence, you get 75% – Rest 25% is just in not doing anything against that.  One of the suggestions Karmayogi makes is to find out the biggest hope you have over the Divine – like power, influence, status, money, persons and do not use that or even think of that.  That smoothens the ways for Force.  He says prayer becomes consecration

when there is no opinion – because it obstructs,

when there is no insistence -because it hardens,

where there is no expectation -Because it cancels

if your prayer fits into all above – no worry – it is consecration.

The second is praying to Mother and doing all related works in Mother ways – that is bringing in maximum of Mother values, performing from highest knowledge we know about Mother or as if doing it for Mother in Mother’s presence.  He says to ask a simple question – What is our choice and what is Mother’s choice in every moment and do that.  I often give an example.  usually in Prosperity Day, in Dharsan days, Meditation centres will ensure extra cleanliness and I see service devotees take extra care when Trustees visit Centres.  But think of how it will be if Karmayogi Himself visits a centre.  Think of a government office – in ordinary days and a day when a higher authority comes for an inspection, or during an ISO audit or during our appraisal period.  So, principle is –  we peak at mental, vital and physical planes when a higher presence is there.  So do all initiatives or work as if Mother is there and that makes our  prayer as consecration. When Karmayogi mentions this in “Manitha Swabhavam” book, His summations are very practical.  After giving all these suggestions He says – If you still do not know of what Mother wants, think of any person of values, you know, then just do what he does and do not do what he fears to do.  The more the value, the more the grace.  You cannot get 10 kg vegetables in a one kg bag.

After an outcome of a prayer -examining the result –  failure or success in our point of view, by following means –

Comparing it with how others got it but we did not or how we got it but others did not.

Why I got the minimum and others the maximum or it happened to us earlier, but not now. 

By this way, we can understand the process of consecration that pertains to us.

Karmayogi says this is the way to find the receptivity on how Mother came to us earlier through persons, atmosphere, attitude, motives, even behaviour and nurture it to the maximum.

For example, during any provocation -minimum is silence and the maximum is equality and consecration will be at the level of our consciousness.

The caution is – we should not insist on our own ideas or values but only endorse the path of the Mother coming to us.  Karmayogi gives an example, when we want to grow a part of a plant in a separate pot, we put cow dung.  This is put in a place where we find point of growth (kanu) and the stem grows and blossoms same like its parent plant.  There is no use if you put in other place.  Nurturing the path of receptivity make the Force flow freely and so it is consecration.

We have to remember that – due to our nature, we not only invoke Mother, but we also invoke hundreds of other Forces to work and so our level of sincerity to Mother decides our level of consecration.  Sincerity stands from constant remembrance, conviction about Mother.  In other words, we can say – it all depends on our belief, faith and trust.  For the purpose of consecration, Karmayogi gives following ideas to understand.

Belief, Faith and Trust.

Belief is believing other’s experiences or advice – say by great soul. Faith is faith in method or medium like calling, flowers, values, disciplines, token act, etc.  Trust is direct on Mother.

Belief is surface. Faith is higher plane. Trust is higher consciousness.

Belief is a method. Faith is a value. Trust is an attitude.

Even a mechanical recitation of “Mother” or “Thy will be done” will give result in surface level. But heading it deep in emotions, gives maximum. For example, if you pray for your daughter’s marriage and say “Thy will be done” and when Mother decides your daughter does not need a marriage, you have to accept that in emotions – as good for your daughter.

The level decides which force is acting dominantly.

Next is – create a plane of awareness in you and submit all that is related to your consecration to that.  If you already created it, now concentrate on it.  Problem and obstacles are eliminated when a concentrated awareness is there – that can give wisdom, discrimination, common sense, insights, intuition.  I say it as my causal plane.  After creating this or concentrating on this, defining our desires is assertion of our ego.

Concentration is coming out of personality and nature that defies consecration.  Concentration demolishes layer of our habits, opinions, performances, prejudices, comforts and the level of demolition decides the results.  Karmayogi says waste of consciousness is waste of Grace.

Consecration in personal level gives result for individual level

Consecration in impersonal level gives result for nation level

Consecration in universal level gives result for world level

Results expands as the consecration expands. (He also suggests points of aspiration as token act).

So, practise, practise, practise. That makes a perfect consecration, that can lead to surrender. Karmayogi gives an analogy.  Both army and police personnel are trained to handle riots.  But police is less efficient in case of chaos.  But army can handle any unexpected turnaround, chaos or influencing forces as they have a trained will.  So in our consecration the initial will (of the Divine Will), has to handle our nature, life, vital, mind and all that is related to that, which are at varied direction and utterly in chaos.  Values organises it as a single will. Purity of the will decides the level of result of consecration.

And finally, do you know why consecration is a joy?  Because it is whole acquiring the role of the part which is actually the delight of creation.

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Parinaaman (Ramesh Kumar)

Parinaaman (Ramesh Kumar)

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Conscious Consecration – 2

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